Influence of Electric Amplitude and the Frequency Level combinations on Venom Productivity of Honey Bee Colonies in Egypt

Document Type : Research articles


1 Department of Beekeeping Research, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt

2 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt


    The aim of this research was studying the effect of different combinations of electric amplitudes and frequency levels on venom production and foraging behavior during the season of clover nectar. The obtained results revealed that venom production significantly increased with increasing the electric amplitudes. The quantities of collected venom were 38.0±22.8, 76.4±17.7 and 83.3 ±19.8 mg / col. for amplitudes of 12, 24 and 36 Volts, respectively. However, the highest venom yield occurred with 50 Hz/s, (83.1±21.1 mg/ col.) and the least was recorded with 30 Hz/s, (49.1± 24.5 mg/ col.). The best combination between amplitude and frequency level was 24 V with 50 Hz/s regarding venom yield which was safe for bees, while using 36 V with 80 Hz/s caused a significant death reached 33.1± 23.6 workers/colony / 45 min. of application. The results indicated that the ratios of pollen collectors (PC) to the total returning foragers (TF) before venom collection were similar in treatment and control groups (29.7± 1.7 % and 29.6± 1.7 %, respectively). However, after one day of venom collection, the foraging force of treated colonies was significantly less (166.0± 6.0 bee/col.) than the control group (336.7± 24.5 bee/ col.). The PC remained similar to that recorded for control colonies (28.6% and 29.6%, respectively). The TF was recovered and significantly raised in their force than control colonies, from the second day of application until the end of experiment. The majority of these workers were converted to PC, especially during the second (68.9±1.0 %) and third (67.0±0.7 %) days after excitation. This may be to compensate the previously consumed beebread due to venom collection.
